Kliente Getuigskrifte
Johleen Olivier was sedert 1984, toe ons ons nuwe winkel Juniors begin het, ‘n integrale deel van ons bemarking. Radio was een van ons hoofmedia vir bemarking te danke aan Johleen se volgehoue oorreding en aanmoediging dat ons radio as ‘n medium moes gebruik. Toe ons ons nuwe Kloppers-winkel in die dorp oopgemaak het, was dit Johleen wat verseker het dat ons in die media gehoor en gesien is met haar innoverende idees vir bemarking deur radio-advertensies as een van ons hoofmedia te gebruik. Dankie, Johleen, jy is werklik een van die baanbrekende vroue in radiobemarking, en ons is trots om met jou geassosieer te word.
Leon Klopper
Johleen Olivier is ‘n legende in die advertensie- en media-industrie. Wat Bloem Skou betref, het dit gevoel asof ons nooit sonder haar as die Bemarkingsbestuurder was nie – aanvanklik deur SABC Radio (RSG en Lesedi FM), later vir etlike jare deur OFM, en gedurende die afgelope paar jaar by Rosestad 100.6FM. Haar uitsonderlike verhouding met kliënte, kennis van die industrie en die ongelooflike passie vir haar werk het alles bygedra tot haar sukses oor soveel jare. Sy is ‘n ikoon in die bedryf.
Johleen leef volgens die volgende: Sukses is nie toevallig nie. Dit is harde werk, deursettingsvermoë, leer, studie, opoffering en, die belangrikste van alles, liefde vir wat jy doen…
Johleen leef volgens die volgende: Sukses is nie toevallig nie. Dit is harde werk, deursettingsvermoë, leer, studie, opoffering en, die belangrikste van alles, liefde vir wat jy doen…
Elmarie Prinsloo
CEO – Bloemskou
Agentskappe Getuigskrifte
The hallmark of media sales is closing the deal – there is no other negotiable criterion. Over many years I have sat at the table with Johleen Olivier as she closed deal after deal with contented clients. She never does any hard-sell, remains poised and warm throughout, and yet – when she quietly places the paperwork in front of a client, they always sign. How does she do it? Perhaps it may be attributed to superlative people skills or to instinctive business acumen; perhaps it is knowing media so well that it all becomes second nature. However, I think it is pure talent, combined with the graciousness of a true lady. And yes, the clients always come back for more. What an honour to have worked alongside her for so long.
Coenie du Villiers
O2 & Eliance Communication
My relationship with Johleen Olivier goes back to 2002! Johleen worked for my business Wag the Dog Publishers as a Sales Manager on The Media magazine. She left after a few months to return to Bloem due to personal reasons. I was indeed sorry to see her go. She has a good personality and kind nature.
Sandra Gordon
The Media Online
I met Johleen in Radio Sales in 1994 and she was extremely competent and respected in her field in radio sales. Her team looked up to her and she was always generous to share her knowledge.
Johleen carries an utmost and equal concern for the wellbeing of the individual, the community, and radio as a medium – always taking all parties and the projects into account.
Johleen deliberately sets out to make a difference by not holding back to offer assistance to everybody who needs to achieve. She gets a lot of energy out of helping others and is very outcomes driven.
She has a profound sense of community and devotion to any Companies’ values and ensures she becomes part of the family.
Her ability and passion to create and develop opportunities in media sales, specifically in radio, is exceptional and a pleasure to experience.
Johleen carries an utmost and equal concern for the wellbeing of the individual, the community, and radio as a medium – always taking all parties and the projects into account.
Johleen deliberately sets out to make a difference by not holding back to offer assistance to everybody who needs to achieve. She gets a lot of energy out of helping others and is very outcomes driven.
She has a profound sense of community and devotion to any Companies’ values and ensures she becomes part of the family.
Her ability and passion to create and develop opportunities in media sales, specifically in radio, is exceptional and a pleasure to experience.
Annie Malan
The Media Online
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